MG snap tools:
Click this button to PO snap forward. (Same as parentconstraint with no offset )
This is probably the most popular feature of MGtools. U can preview per frame when snapping. It is really convenient , efficient and straight forward.
Features in popup menus.
Clear Snaplocators : Clear all the snapping use locators except those who have out / import connects. (May be u use it to constraint objects or to be constrainted ). After a lot of snapping, There maybe a great amount of locators in your scene, use this to quickly clear them.
SnapLocator manager.. : Open snap used locators managers. ![more](more.gif)
Marker : Open Create a locator marker in the right position of the current selection . ![more](more.gif)
BackUp/Restore Animation..: BackUP animation before snapping. If U are not happy with the snapping result ,use restore feature to restore animation. ![more](more.gif)
The features below are all snapping concerned. Read on to know more.
There are serval types of snapping in MGtools:
POsnap: Snap the second selection to the exact position and orientation of the first selection . Looks like doing a parent constraint without offset.
POsnap Forward : This is the typical usage. Beside doing a PO snap ,it will step forward for one frame. When U select only one object, it will create a snap used locator automatically and use it as the position reference . ![more](more.gif)
POsnap Backward : What makes it different from doing a PO snap forward is ,it will step backward for one frame.
Point Snap : Snap the second selection to the exact position of the first selection . Looks like doing a point constraint without offset.
Point Snap Forward : Beside doing a point snap ,it will step forward for one frame. When U select only one object, it will create a snap used locator automatically and use it as the position reference .
Point Snap Backward : What makes it different from doing a point snap forward is,it will step backward for one frame.
Orient Snap : Snap the second selection to the exact orientation of the first selection . Looks like doing a orient constraint without offset.
Orient Snap Forward : Beside doing a orient snap ,it will step forward for one frame. When U select only one object, it will create a snap used locator automatically and use it as the position reference .
Orient Snap Backward : What makes it different from doing a orient snap forward is,it will step backward for one frame.
Relative POsnap Forward : To simulate the situation that the second selection is parent constraint with a offset with the first selection using keyframes per frame.![more](more.gif)
Relative POsnap Backward : What makes it different from doing a relative PO snap forward is,it will step backward for one frame.
Relative PointSnap Forward : To simulate the situation that the second selection is relative point constraint with a offset with the first selection using keyframes per frame.![more](more.gif)
Relative PointSnap Backward : What makes it different from doing a relative point snap forward is,it will step backward for one frame.
Tips: If U have installed all the MGtools shelves into Maya shelves , there are actually two foot icons. If there are plus symbol in the icon ,it means the button is snapping with a auto stepping forward.