The left list: Shows the existed display layer name. (Also they will be the display layer name )
The right list: Shows the layer members in the display layer.
New from sel : Create a display layer set with the objects selected in your scenes as layer members. If the button is gray out, that means u have no selection in your scenes.
New from layer: Create a layer set from selected layer from the layer editor. (No recommend because there could be great amount of set members. )
+Sel to member : Add current selection in your scenes to the display layer member list. If the button is gray out, that means u have no selection in your scenes.
-Sel from set:Remove current selection in your scenes from the display layer member list. If the button is gray out, that means u have no selection in your scenes.
Rename Set : Rename current display layer set name. (U will change the display layer name as well. )
Delete Set : Delete selected display layer set . U can do this by pressing del key in your keyboard as well.
Remove member: Remove the member from member list. U can do this by pressing del key in your keyboard as well.
Eval all : Test all the display layer sets , if there are set members existed in your scene then build the corresponding display layer and put the objects in as members.
Refresh UI :Refresh the lists.
Close :Quit display layer set manager.
After saving a lot of display layer sets, when using "eval all display set " feature , sometime it will create a layer to put the certain object ,then in other set the object is in the member list as well, then it will put it into another layer . So keep this in mind , do not mess it up ,try not to put a object in two display layer sets.