How to load relative snapping tool:
• | Right mouse button clicking on the button of MGtools and select "Relative POsnap Forward/Backward"。 |
When to use relative snapping tool:
Sometime u want to achieve that the selection being parent constrainted by something else.
U can use the real parent constraint to do that ,but when a great amount of other objects are constrainting the object ,switching the constraint weight is kind of tricky thing to do.
So why not faking this in some situation , no constraints, just using keyframe per frame. When the constraint master's animation being changed, just refaking it in serval seconds.
How to do a relative snap forward / backward:
1. | Select two controllers , for example , one is hand mov controller, the other one is the props mov controller. |
2. | Select RelativePOsnap Forward/Backward as said above, There will be a snap used locator created, and the time tick will step forward / backward for one frame. |
3. | Pressing G key in your keyboard to repeat this command and watching what is going on in your view port. |
4. | When props is going to leave the hand, stop pressing G key. |
5. | Now it appears like the props being parent constrainted with a offset by the hand for a certain period of time. |
Notice that sometime using the actual parent constraint with offset will be time saving. This relative snap tool could be handy when u got to switch between lots of constraint weights.