Edit viewSwitch config.. : Open viewset config windows to config a two / three configs switch. ![more](more.gif)
New displaySet from sel.. : Create new display layer set from selection in the scenes. ![more](more.gif)
Eval all displaySel..: Test all the display layer set, if any one of the members exists in your scenes then it will create the corresponding display layer and put the member in it then hide for you automatically. ![more](more.gif)
DisplaySet Tool.. : Load display layer set manager to manage the display layer set. ![more](more.gif)
Hide/Show all layers : Hide / Show all display layers.
Put into new layer and hide : Put your current selection of your scenes to a new display layer, the name of layer will be set automatically in "ObjectName_Layer" then the layer will be hidden.
layer Editor.. : Load maya default layer editor in floating mode.
Help.. : Load MG view switch help doc.