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How do I know where the MGPicker stores its config files? Is it the same place for Maya plug-in version and the standalone version?

1 Answer

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MG-Picker Studio uses Qt way to store its configurations for the Maya plugin and Standalone versions. It is in different places on different OS platforms. The unified way to query it is using QT API, with any PySide2 environment, you can query it by executing the code below:

from PySide2 import QtCore
dir = QtCore.QStandardPaths.writableLocation(QtCore.QStandardPaths.GenericDataLocation)
print("MGPicker Studio stores user config in: {}/MGLAND/MG-PickerStudio".format(dir))

Switch to the PyQt code by changing the import statement if you need to.

As a reference,  on Linux, it is usually like


on Windows:


on MacOS:

/Users/yourUserName/Library/Application Support/MGLAND/MG-PickerStudio


