in License by
And how to set up the proxy?

2 Answers

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Best answer

To set HTTP proxy in studio context:

  1. You need to use the latest MG-LicenceProtector v0.6 that ships with MG-LicenceConnector-1.5.
  2. Launch the protector, and switch to the "Proxy Setting" tab:
  3. Fill-in information, hostname, and port are often required. The username and password are often optional, depending on if the proxy requires credentials.
  4. Save the proxy setting via File/Save Proxy Settings.., or ctrl+S. 
  5. Save the .mgproxy file to the settings folder beside the MG-LicenceConnector executable. 
  6. The settings in .mgproxy file, once in the correct location, will override all manual user settings made in MG-LicenceConnector.
  7. As a software administrator, you just need to make sure you distribute the file with the connector.
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HTTP proxy is supported starting from MG-LicenceConnector, v1.5

To set HTTP proxy in each end user's perspective:

You need to use the latest MG-LicenceConnector, v1.5+.

Go to Misc Menu/Proxy Setting.., enable the proxy server, and input the hostname and port for the proxy.
If the proxy requires credentials to log in, input the user name and password.

Hit OK to save the settings. The setting will be remembered across different sessions, until you change it, or have some proxy config file that overrides it.

