in Installation by
Hello! I am trying to download MG Picker so I can use the Face UI for the iAnimate skyscraper rig and when I follow the installation steps (drag and drop to viewport or source script) I get this error popping up in Maya.


// Error: Line 0.107: Cannot find file "C:/Users/Ken/Documents/maya/scripts/MG-PickerStudio/MGPicker_Program/MGPicker_WrittenByMiguel.mel" for source statement. //


What do I need to do to get this working? I am an animator with no scripting knowledge. Thanks!

1 Answer

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Hi Lianna,

These are something to check:

  1. Make sure you download the lastest and complete zip package from here: 
    There are 3 packages available for each of three OS platforms, in your case, it is
  2. After download, you need to unzip the whole package to a folder, drag and drop the unzipped MGPicker_installer.mel into the viewport, here are some mistakes you might make:
    - You cannot drag the file MGPicker_installer.mel directly from zip package.
    - You cannot just unzip the MGPicker_installer.mel and expect it to work, the whole package should be unzipped
    - No files need to be copied or moved manually, you just go to unzipped folder, locate the file MGPicker_installer.mel, drag it to Maya's viewport.
    - The unzipped folder doesn't need to be within "C:/Users/Ken/Documents/maya/scripts/", actually it'd better not, as the installation process will copy the necessary files and folder into proper script folder for you.

