command (MEL/Python)
Go to: Synopsis. MEL examples. Python examples.
MGPickerMenu (menuIDString, [addMenuItem=(string, string, string, string, string)], [copyMenu=boolean], [copyPairedMenu=boolean], [deleteAllItems=boolean], [exist=boolean], [itemArray=boolean], [insertMenuItem=(int, string, string, string, string, string)], [mode=string], [menuItem=int], [markingMenu=boolean],[numberOfItems=boolean],[parent=string],[popOutsideBBox=boolean], [useRightMenu=boolean], [view=string])
MGPickerMenu is NOT undoable, queryable and editable.
You don't need to create a picker menu, it is already there for each picker item, all you need is to query / edit them.
However, you can still use this command in create mode, which will just retrieve the menu id from the picker item, instead of creating them.
In "create" mode, you should specify -parent and -mode flags, in order to retrieve the menu id.
You always need to specify the picker menu id string to query / edit it.
A picker menu id string is something like:
commandButton1.rightmenu //The right click menu for the picker item of id "commandButton1"
selectButton1.leftmenu //The left click menu for the picker item of id "selectButton1"
In edit / create mode, the flags that are meant to be used for editing will exclude each other, it will just execute one flag and return.
Long name (short name)
Argument types
string string string script string
This is a edit only flag that can be used to add a menu item to picker menu.
Specify label, icon path, command type ("mel" or "python"), command and the radial position for marking menu position ("N", "NW", "W", "SW", "S", "SE", "E" or "NE").
* Keep in mind that, if this flag is used in create mode, it will still return the added menu item id instead of the menu id.
This is a edit only flag that can be used to copy menu data from other menu.
This is a edit only flag that can be used to copy menu data from paired menu. eg. Left click menu copy data from right click menu, right click menu copy data from left click menu.
This is a edit only flag, clear all menu data from a picker menu.

This is a query only flag that can be used to query for the existence of a specific picker menu.

This is a query only flag that can be used to query the list of menu items id string array.
int string string string script string
This is a edit only flag that can be used to insert a menu item to picker menu at certain index. Specify index small than 0 will just prepend menu item at first index, index larger than last item index will just append menu item.
Specify index, label, icon path, command type ("mel" or "python"), command and the radial position for marking menu position ("N", "NW", "W", "SW", "S", "SE", "E" or "NE").
* Keep in mind that, if this flag is used in create mode, it will still return the inserted menu item id instead of the menu id.
In query mode, it returns the current menu is picker item's right clicking menu or right clicking menu. In create mode, this is a must have flag, to specify which menu we wanna retrieve. (-parent is also a must have flag in create mode)

This is a query only flag, for retrieving the menu item id string at specific index.
Query or set if the menu is a marking menu.

Query the number of menu items in this menu.
In query mode, it returns the picker picker item id this menu belongs to. In create mode, this is a must have flag, to specify which menu we wanna retrieve. (-mode is also a must have flag in create mode)
Whether the menu pops up at the cursor position or outside the bounding box of the picker item. e.g. if a command button is used as menu bar menu, when you click on it, you expect the menu pops up under
the command button instead of at the cursor position.
This flag works for both right clicking menu and left clicking menu and you can set different value for each. By default it is False, meaning menu pop up at the cursor position.
Decide if the left click menu use the content of right click menu.
For right click menu, in edit mode this flag has no effect, in query mode, this flag always return true.
Specify which picker view we wanna create / edit / query the picker menu.
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can be used more than once in a command.
MEL examples
// You must make sure the picker item: commandButton1 is already in scene in order to test these codes.
// To form a picker menu id, use pickerItemId.leftmenu / pickerItemId.rightmenu
string $cmdButton = "commandButton1";
string $rightMenu = `MGPickerMenu -p $cmdButton -m "rightmenu"`; //This just retrieves the id "commandButton1.rightmenu" instead of creating it.
// Add / Insert a menu item:
string $menuItem1 = `MGPickerMenu -e -addMenuItem "First Menu Item" "/path/to/icon0.png" "mel" "print \"It works!\"" "N" $rightMenu`;
string $menuItem3 = `MGPickerMenu -e -addMenuItem "Third Menu Item" "/path/to/icon2.png" "python" "print 'It works!'" "S" $rightMenu`;
string $menuItem2 = `MGPickerMenu -e -insertMenuItem 1 "Second Menu Item" "/path/to/icon1.png" "python" "print 'It inserts!'" "E" $rightMenu`;
// Now you can test right click on commandButton1 using preview tool, see menu pops up!
// Let's continue to toggle on the marking menu state of the menu.
MGPickerMenu -e -markingMenu 1 $rightMenu;
// Now you can test right click on commandButton1 using preview tool, see marking menu pops up!
Python examples
from mgpicker import mgp
# You must make sure the picker item: commandButton1 is already in scene in order to test these codes.
# To form a picker menu id, use pickerItemId.leftmenu / pickerItemId.rightmenu
cmdButton = 'commandButton1'
rightMenu = mgp.MGPickerMenu(p=cmdButton, mode='rightmenu') # This just retrieves the id "commandButton1.rightmenu" instead of creating it.
# Add / Insert a menu item:
menuItem1 = mgp.MGPickerMenu(rightMenu, e=True, addMenuItem=('First Menu Item', '/path/to/icon0.png', 'mel', 'print "It works!"', 'N'))
menuItem3 = mgp.MGPickerMenu(rightMenu, e=True, addMenuItem=('Third Menu Item', '/path/to/icon2.png', 'python', 'print "It works!"', 'S'))
menuItem2 = mgp.MGPickerMenu(rightMenu, e=True, insertMenuItem=(1, 'Second Menu Item', '/path/to/icon1.png', 'python', 'print "It inserts!"', 'E'))
# Now you can test right click on commandButton1 using preview tool, see menu pops up!
# Let's continue to toggle on the marking menu state of the menu.
mgp.MGPickerMenu(rightMenu, e=True, markingMenu=True )
# Now you can test right click on commandButton1 using preview tool, see marking menu pops up!