command (MEL/Python)
Go to: Synopsis. MEL examples. Python examples.
MGPicker ([about=boolean], [aboutCurrentPicker=boolean], [activate=[string, string]],[addGenericPicker=[string, int]],[activePickerArea=[int]], [activePanelIndex=int], [activePickerView=string], [appendRecentPickerFile=string], [appendRecentPickerNode=string][addSearchPath=[string, int]], [author=string], [closeAll=boolean], [currentAttributeName=int], [config=[string, string]], [currentItem=boolean], [close=[string, boolean, string]], [createPicker=[string, string, string, string]], [recentPickerFiles=[string]], [recentPickerNodes=[string]], [currentPickerView=[boolean]], [configRootDir=[boolean]], [createTempPicker=boolean], [deleteGenericPicker=string], [deleteSearchPath=string], [deleteSearchPath=string], [evenlyDistributePickers=boolean], [email=string], [exportPathToNode=[string, string]], [exist=[boolean]],[fallbackPicker=string],[findPickerView=string, int, string],[getIdFromName=string],[genericPickers=string],[hotkeyOutliner=boolean],[interactiveMode=int],[listAllPickerViews=boolean],[listLinks=string], [list=string],[menuItemCommand=int], [mirrorSelection=int], [message=string], [namespace=string], [openPicker=boolean], [parent=string], [pickerAreaCount=boolean], [progressBar=int], [pickerDirPath=boolean],[pickerEnterCommand=string, string], [pickerFilePath=boolean],[programInfo=boolean], [pickerLoaded=[string, string]],[pickerLoadCommand=[string, string]], [pickerLayout=string], [pickerMode=int], [popupNamespace=boolean], [pickerProject=string], [pickerToShelf=boolean], [quit=boolean], [removeAll=boolean], [readAllPickerNodes=boolean], [readAllTempPickers=boolean], [readPickerFile=[string, boolean]], [readScenePicker=[string, string, string, string]], [saveAsSceneNode=[string, boolean], [saveAsTemplate=string], [saveCurrentAs=string], [selectionHelper=boolean], [select=int,stringArray], [selectPickerButtons=int], [selectPanelButtons=int], [setPickerClean=boolean], [selectPanelIndexButtons=[int, int]], [searchPaths=string],[syncPickerValue=boolean], [searchUi=boolean], [saveToFolder=string], [saveWithinSceneFolder=boolean], [tabLabel=string], [updateSceneBoundary=boolean], [version=boolean], [visible=boolean], [windowTitle=boolean], [website=string])
MGPicker is NOT undoable, queryable, and editable.
This command queries / edit the picker document level attributes and states, as well as some program related attributes.
In creation mode, this command is used to create the MG-Picker widget, only one widget instance is allowed at a time, you will never need to use the command in creation mode.
Long name (short name)
Argument types

Show "About MG-Picker Studio" dialog.

Show "About Current Picker" dialog. The dialog shows the name, email, website and message of picker designer.
string string
In query mode, this returns if a provided picker file path / node is activated.
In Edit mode, you active a picker tab by assign a picker file path / picker node name. If the picker file / node has not been opened yet, this will won't open it. Return 1 if a picker tab been activated, 0 if failed.
Specify namespace string for the second parameter, if namespace is not empty, when checking to activate the picker view, it will check if the namespaces match too. Use empty namespace string if you don't want to check the namespace.
Alternatively, record the picker view id when you create it, and call this instead to activate it:
MGPickerView -e -activate viewID;
string int

This always affects only current picker project. Use it to add a generic picker name for current picker project. Specify a picker file name(without extension) and an int value stands for index. Specify index of -1 will append the picker name at the end, specify 0 to insert at the head. If the picker name already added to generic before, it will first remove it, and then insert it with the index you specified. The generic picker menu will update itself after the change.
Active picker area of specified area index, ranging from 0~3. The maximum of multiple picker view areas are 4, so the maximum of index value is 3.
However, there probably less than 4 views, so this maximum index value could be even smaller than 3, setting a index larger than supposed will just active the maximum index number.

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -activePanelIndex index;
In query mode this return currently active picker view id, the id then could be used in MGPickerView command.
In edit mode, this activate the picker view specified by view id, for this purpose, MGPickerView is more suggested:
MGPickerView -e -activate viewID;

Append a picker file path to the "Recent Picker Files" menu.

Append a picker node to the "Recent Picker Nodes" menu.
string int

This always affects only current picker project. Use it to add a custom picker searching path into the searching list for current picker project.
Specify a path string and an int value stands for searching priority. Specify priority of -1 will append the search path to the last to be the last searched, specify 0 to be the first to be searched.
Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -q -author;
MGPickerView -e -author "Your Name";

Close all opened picker. Specify a 0~1 value to make the program close all the picker by force without any unsaved warning even in designer mode.
Be aware that in Animator mode, this won't warn any unsaved edit but close all pickers directly.

Return the namespace:node.attribute string of current interacting attribute button.
For use with pre/post change command of attribute-button. If not argument or an argument of 1 provided, the returned attribute will include the namespace, argument value of 0 will return attribute without namespace.
string string
Internal use only for setting the specific user config.
In query mode, this return the string array of for all the user configs if no arguments provided, otherwise, if you provide two arguments to query, it will return the specific config.
eg. MGPicker -q -config "language" "";

Return the current interacting picker item id. For use in the picker item's change command, to query the item id the script belong to.
string boolean string

Specify a picker path / picker node to close, specify an empty string to close current picker file/node.
Specify a 0~1 value as the secondary argument to make the program close the picker by force without any unsaved warning even in designer mode.
Specify a namespace string as the third argument, it it is not an empty string, when finding the target picker view to close, it will match the namespaces and close the picker view only if it has the same namespace.
Use empty namespace string if you don't want to check the namespace.
Be aware that in Animator mode, this won't warn any unsaved edit but close the picker directly.
string string string string

Specify the picker name, namespace, an optional picker file path or an optional picker node name, to create a new picker and return its id string.
For use in the picker converter, to create a new picker to contain the converted picker items.
Return the full path list of recently opened picker files in query mode. In edit mode, with a maya menu item id string specified, it will clear its sub-menus and fill it with "recent picker files" menu.
Return the list of recently loaded picker nodes in query mode. In edit mode, with a maya menu item id string specified, it will clear its sub-menus and fill it with "recent picker nodes" menu.

Query only flag. Like -currentItem flag, this return current interacting picker view id.
For use in the picker's load command and mouse enter command, to query the view id the script belong to.
Be careful to distinguish with -activePickerView flag, this current view only valid during picker load command and mouse enter command.

Query only flag to get the user config root directory.

Create a temporary picker view and return its id string, the view is untitled but with a number as tab label, and T as tab icon.
The temporary picker is for animator use only to contain their temporary picker items created in simple edit mode. Starting from V2, you can choose to auto-save and auto-load these temp pickers across different picker session.

Delete a picker name from the generic pickers list. Specify an empty string to clear all the generic picker names. The generic picker menu will update itself after the change.

Delete a specific path from the picker search paths, edit only. Deleting empty path means clear all the user search paths, those factory-default paths are not removelable.

Delete a custom search path from the picker searching directories list. Specify an empty string to clear all the custom searching paths.
The default searching path item, such as *[In-Scene], *[Scene/pickers], *[local] are not deletable.

Evenly distribute the picker tabs for all the visible picker view areas, so each picker layout area has a approximate number of picker tabs.
Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -q -email;
MGPickerView -e -email "";
string string

Export picker file path to a picker node. Bascially it store a file path to a picker file, in pickerFilePath attribute in picker node.
When picker node is loaded, the picker file will be loaded instead. The file path support environment variable denoted by $ or ${}
Specify the node name to export / edit and the picker file path as arguments.

Check if the picker ui exists.
When queried, this flag returns the fallback picker name.
With fallback picker name been set, if program cann't find any matched picker to maya selection, it will load fallback picker instead.
-findPickerView (-fpv)
string boolean string

Query only. This flag find and return a picker view id string, by searching and matching picker name and namespace. You must specify the picker file name / node name as first argument, a boolean to control whether to match namespace or not, and the namespace string.
-getIdFromName (-gin)

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
string $ids [] = `MGPickerView -q -getIdFromName "name"`;
-genericPickers (-gps)
Return string array containing all generic files in query mode, in edit mode, specify generic picker names joined by '|' to set the generic picker settings.
The generic picker menu will update itself after the change. Alternatively, use this to query / set the generic pickers:
global string $MGPicker_Config_GenericPickerID; // Don't change this value, it already defined.
MGPicker -q -config $MGPicker_Config_GenericPickerID ""; // This will return a string joined by '|'
MGPicker -e -config $MGPicker_Config_GenericPickerID "genericPickerName1|genericPickerName2"; // This will set the generic pickers. Notice that it won't update the menu.
-hotkeyOutliner (-ho)

Popup hotkey outliner, to checkout the hotkey set for MG-Picker Studio animator mode & designer mode.
Actually the hotkey outliner is also made by a mgpicker file.
When queried, this flag returns current tool name, setting this flag will switch current tools in MG-Picker Studio.
If currently UI is in animator mode, use value "preview", "simpleEdit" to switch to preview tool and simple edit tool.
In design mode, possible values are "preview", "edit", "selectButton", "commandButton", "attributeButton", "slider", "text", "link", "eyedropper", "mirror", "polygon", "bezier" and "transform".

Query only flag. Return all the picker view id string array.

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
string $links [] = `MGPickerView -q -listLinks "parentLink"`;

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
string $btns [] = `MGPickerView -q -list "selectButton|slider|sliderHandle"`;

Query only flag. Internal used only, to support the mel/python menu item command for each picker item.

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -mirrorSelection 1;

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -message "Thanks for using the picker I designed!";
Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -namespace "MyNS:SubNS";

Show file dialog to picker .mgpkr file to be opened / activated.
Use -rpf/-readPickerFile flag to open a picker file directly, or use -rsp/-readScenePicker flag to read a in-scene picker node directly.

Internal use only. Use in creation mode to assign the picker widget's parent layout.

Query only flag to get the visible count of picker area.
Specify 0~100 int value to show the progress bar in ui and set the percentage value, specify -1 to hide the progress bar.

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
string $dirPath = `MGPickerView -q -pickerDirPath`;
string string
Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
string $enterCommand[] = `MGPickerView -q -pickerEnterCommand`;

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
string $dirFilePath = `MGPickerView -q -pickerFilePath`;

Return MG-Picker Studio program launching information.
string string

This is a query only flag that can be used to query for if a picker file or node is loaded.
Specify a picker file path or a node name for the first parameter, specify namespace string for the second parameter, if namespace is not empty, when checking if a picker loaded, it will check if the namespaces match too.
Use empty namespace string if you don't want to check the namespace.
string string
Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
string $loadCommand[] = `MGPickerView -q -pickerLoadCommand`;
Query / specify the picker view layout. In edit mode, valid string values are: "Single","Column2","Column3","Column4","Row2","Row3","Row4","Col2SplitLeft","Col2SplitRight","Row2SplitTop","Row2SplitBottom","GridVerticalUnified","GridHorizontalUnified","GridBothUnified".
Internal use only. In query mode this return if current is in Animator mode / Designer mode.
The edit mode is only used to assistant the switch of the mode, you don't need to use this flag.

Pop up the namespace setting dialog to change the namespace of current picker.
In query mode this return current picker project name, by default it is "Default".
In edit mode, this edit current picker project. The picker project is used when searching for a related picker file for scene selection.
If the target picker project name does not exist, this will create the project folder and set as current picker project.

Pop up the "Convert Picker Items To Shelves" dialog, which you could use to convert picker items to maya's shelves.

Quit MG-Picker Studio, the boolean value is whether we force it to quit without giving a chance to save any unsaved picker files. (In animator mode it always quite without any popup.)

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -removeAll;

Read all the picker nodes in current Maya scene.
Read all temp picker sessions, usually you don't need this unless you turn off auto-read temp session option.
This returns all temp session picker names in query mode.
string boolean

This is a edit only flag that can be used to read and load the picker file and return the picker view id string.
If it is already opened, and the second parameter is false or 0, this will activate the tab and return.
If the second parameter is specified to true or 1, it will read the picker into new picker view anyway.
Use -opp/-openPicker to provide user a file dialog to picker a picker file.

This is a edit only flag that can be used to read and load the in-scene picker node and return the picker view id string.
Specify a picker node name to read, if the node already loaded in picker view, it will activate it and return the view id string.
string string string string

This is a edit only flag that can be used to read and load the in-scene picker node and return the picker view id string.
Instead of simply specify a picker node name, you must get the datas in mel/python, and specify the node name, picker name, namespace and the picker xml data string to read the and load the picker node.
string boolean

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -saveAsSceneNode "sceneNodeName" 0;
string boolean

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -saveAsTemplate "myTemplate" 0;
string boolean

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -saveAs "newPickerName" 0;

Create a show a MG-Select Helper window.
int stringArray
Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -select "selectButton1" -select "commandButton1" -selectMode 1;

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -selectPickerButtons 1;

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -selectPanelButtons 0;

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -setClean;
int int

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -selectPanelIndexButtons 1 0;
In query mode this returns string array of searching paths for current picker project.
In edit mode, specify paths joined with character '|' to be the search paths. Notice that these values are always there: *[In-Scene], *[Scene/pickers], *[Local]

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -syncPickerValue;
In edit mode, this shows / hides the node/attribute searching UI in animator mode.
In query mode this return the visibility of searching UI.
string boolean

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -saveToFolder "/path/to/folder" 1;

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -saveWithinSceneFolder 0;
Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -tabLabel "pickerTab";

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -updateSceneBoundary;

This is a query only flag that can be used to query for the version of current MG-Picker Studio in string form: "major.minor.path".
Internal use only. Set the visibility of the picker widget.

Query only flag to query current MG-Picker Studio window title. Internal use only.

Will be obsolete. Please use MGPickerView command instead:
MGPickerView -e -website "";
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can be used more than once in a command.
MEL examples
// create a new picker named "myPicker"
string $view = `MGPicker -e -createPicker "myPicker" "wrongNamespace" "" ""`; //it is a untitled picker, not refer to a picker file / node.
MGPickerView -e -namespace "rightNamespace" $view; //edit the namespace of the picker.
//To-Do: use MGPickerItem command to created picker items.
//if you does create any picker items, this picker view will be completely empty.
MGPickerView -e -author "Miguel"
-website ""
-email ""
-message "Feel free to send feedback to me!"
$view; //edit the meta info of the current picker file.
MGPickerView -e -updateSceneBoundary $view; //update the scene boundary to show all the picker items.
MGPickerView -e -setClean $view; //set the picker we just created clean.
Python examples
from mgpicker import mgp
#Create a new picker named "myPicker"
#it is a untitled picker, not refer to a picker file / node.
viewId = mgp.MGPicker (edit=True,createPicker=("myPicker","wrongNamespace","",""))
mgp.MGPickerView(viewId, edit=True,namespace="rightNamespace") #edit the namespace of the picker.
#To-Do: use MGPickerItem command to created picker items.
#if you does create any picker items, this picker view will be completely empty.
mgp.MGPickerView(viewId, edit=True, author="Miguel",
message="Feel free to send feedback to me!") #edit the meta info of the current picker file.
mgp.MGPickerView(viewId, edit=True, updateSceneBoundary=True) #update the scene boundary to show all the picker items.
mgp.MGPickerView(viewId, edit=True, setClean=True) #set the picker we just created clean.