command (MEL/Python)
Go to: Synopsis. MEL examples. Python examples.
MGImageProcesser (string, [currentStyleName=boolean], [dimension=boolean], [processOption=string], [resize=string], [style=string])
Note: Strings representing image fullpath and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.
MGImageProcesser is NOT undoable, queryable, and editable.
This command process images.
Long name (short name)
Argument types

Internal use only. This is a query only flag to get the current image processing config name.
Do not confuse the term "style" with the new picker style, this is just for snapshot image processing style.

This is a query only flag that can be used to query for the size of an image as int array, by providing a image file path.
Process the image using the process option string, the option is of the "optionName = optionValue" format, one option for a line, joined with new line character '\n'. For example:
invert = 0
grayscale = 1
brightness = 0
contrast = 0
saturation = 0
blur = 0
opacity = 255
bgcolor = 0,0,0
hTile = 1
hTileGap = 0
vTile = 1
vTileGap = 0
The case for the option name does not matter. The value range for a certain option:
invert: [0~1]
grayscale: [0~1]
brightness: [-255,255]
contrast: [-255,255]
saturation: [-255,255]
blur: [0~18]
opacity: [0~255]
bgcolor: [0~255,0~255,0~255]
hTile: [0~10]
hTileGap: [0~100]
vTile: [0~10]
vTileGap: [0~100]
Resize the image file using the new size provided by string argument: "width:height". The width / height ratio of image will stay unchanged.
Internal use only. Process the image using a style file. Input a style file full path as the argument.
Do not confuse the term "style" with the new picker style, this is just for snapshot image processing style.
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can be used more than once in a command.
MEL examples
//get the size of image in int array:
MGImageProcesser -q -dimension "D:/test/Penguins.jpg";
//backup the original image befor process it:
sysFile -cp "D:/test/Penguins_orginal.jpg" "D:/test/Penguins.jpg";
//now process the image, the image will be changed:
MGImageProcesser -processOption "grayscale=1\nblur=10" "D:/test/Penguins.jpg";
Python examples
from maya import cmds
#get the size of image in int array:
cmds.MGImageProcesser("D:/test/Penguins.jpg", q=True, dimension=True)
#backup the original image befor process it:
cmds.sysFile("D:/test/Penguins.jpg", cp="D:/test/Penguins_orginal.jpg")
#now process the image, the image will be changed:
cmds.MGImageProcesser("D:/test/Penguins.jpg", processOption="grayscale=1\nblur=10")