
bookmarkReference ToolBox:


flag_blue Source: Decide the tool should get the target reference information from scene selection, or Reference Editor selection.

flag_blue Copy/Paste Reference-Info: Depending the source option, select any part of reference rigs, or highlight a reference item in Reference Editor.

Click "Copy" button to copy the reference info.

From now on you can use the "Paste" button at any time, any maya, to call in the same reference we copied.

The copy-paste system will ensure that the references have same file path, and try best to make them using the same namespace.

flag_blue Export to MA: Depending the source option, select any part of reference rigs, or highlight a reference item in Reference Editor.

Click "Export to MA.." button to export these reference as MA files. The result MA file will have these asset been referenced.

flag_blue Read from MA: Click to pick a MA file, then a dialog like Maya's reference preload dialog will pop up.

You can pick some references, and choose to load them in your current scene.

flag_blue Some Reference related buttons: The buttons shares part of Maya's own features, serving as shortcuts.

The better parts are, these operation could be done via scene selection.

flag_blue Replace Namespace: Pretty much the same as Maya's namespace editing feature in Reference Editor.

The better thing is it will clear the target namespace recursively as best as it can.

flag_blue Reference-Information: Shows reference path separated with "/" or "\", also shows its namespace, brows the related asset file folder, etc.

