
bookmark How to create new asset project:

Click the top left new project button newSelset_icon.

Project menu/New Project..

If no project available in local side, press the [+ Project..] button.

bookmark New Project Dialog:


Input a library name in the first row. Only English letter, digit, under-bar are allowed.

The library name will actually be used as a folder name later.
flag_blue Project Description: Input some descriptive lines to describe the project. This is optional.
flag_blue Custom Global Root: Assign a path as the root path of global root directory.

This path should be accessible by all layout artists. Press the Reset button to clear it, which means you give up the global library, it is the same as the local library.

Warning Notice that the path of local asset library is hard coded. They always are Maya User Application Dir/MGTools_GlobalData/MG_AssetLib/AssetLibraryProjectName.

flag_blue Asset Item State Setting: Set up a group of states for you asset project.

Say you are soho at home, you probably states: Rig_From_Net, Rig_Original, etc

Within production context, maybe you need states: Proxy, Lo_Res, Hi_Res, etc.

Also you could add the something like working, pending,approved to indicate that the rig currently in which status.


If the states preset in the list does not cover all your need, input a custom state name in the state label preset text field, and press "Add State Preset" button.

If you do not like the custom state you just add to preset, press the trash icon to delete. this tool only delete the user custom state presets.


Select the desired states in the list, press the "Add Selected State To Project ->" to add the state into the Project State list, this means the states will actually used by the project.

Select a certain project state, pick a color in State color area, and press Assign color, assign the color to the project state.

Say, you often want to assign a red color to working state, green color to a approved state.

flag_blue Press the OK button to create the asset project, cancel to cancel.

lightbulb Tips: When you edit the asset project, from Project/Edit Current Project, it actually shares the same dialog UI.
