Category: Switch between the Model,UV and Luck checking.
SCORE: the score you got. If no issues been found, it will give you 100.
Left/Right mouse click and drag on this area, there are quick accesses to start checking or reseting the score.
OverLapped UV Check: Check out the overlapped uv block and highlight the problematic uvs.
Currently it is too strict that some innocent uvs are picked out. But you just ignore them if they are actually really OK.
You can simply click the single button to do the single test, or check on the checkbox on the left side and click the "Check !!" button on the bottom.
UV Seam Check: Check out the
UV seams base on the a
threshold value.
Different uvs could share one single vertex, if the distance of these uvs is small than the thresold, it will be picked out.
Flipped UV Check: Check for the flipped uv shelves.
UV Range Check: Check if there are any uvs beyond a certain range. The range value could be set in the option area.
Zero Area UV Check: Check if any uv area of one single face has zero area. It invokes Maya's default method, however it is over reacted. So by default it is off.
Null UV check : Check if there are any faces that have no uvs assigned.
Check Result Area: Show all the check stats.
Tiny Buttons on the right side: Each button stands for the result uvs of the corresponding uv checking.
Press each button will select the uvs that was picked out durning the checking.
For example, pressing the ovp button will selected all uvs that was picked out durning the overlapped uv checking.
"uv" Button: Quick access to Maya's UV editor.
"Check !!" : Start to test and check out the items that was checked on.
Option Box Icon: click to load the option for UV checking:

Target Mode: Determin that the checking target are the highlighted/selected objects or the selected uvs.
OverlapFace result: Select the two overlapped faces or just one of them.
Seam threshold: The threshold value used to detect the suspcious uv seams.
Range threshold: The padding value to the 0-1range . Minus value means the uvs should stay within the 0-1 range, and have a inner padding value say 0.008 as shown in the diagram.
UV display Options: Some quick options for UV displaying. These are just quick links to Maya's UV displaying features.
Reset UV check option: Reset the UV checking options to default values.
Reset UV Display option: Reset the UV displaying options to default values.
These options will be remembered so you don't need to change it next time.