
bookmark How to share SelectionSet:

1.Animation leader build a whole selection set.

2.Animation leader share these .set files, in a server public folder. The folder are readable to all animators.

3.Animators add the shared folder in Selection Set Path manager, they can now use these sets.


bookmark How to load SelectionSet Path Manager:

Left click on the top row, the row starts with "Case" , select "SelectionSet Path Manager.."

Click on the > button and select "SelectionSet Path Manager.."

The Misc Menu / SelectionSet Path Manager..

bookmark SelectionSet Path Manager:

You use it to add the selection set source folders.

Say your animation leader, has built up lots of selection sets and shared them with one folder in the server

You add this server folder into MG-SelectionSet, so you can use them through the tool.


flag_blue trashIcon  : Delete a selectionSet folder source, this only remove the source from UI, won't actually delete the folder.

flag_blue addItemIcon : Add a selectionSet folder source.

flag_blue At the left side of each folder item, there is a checkbox, this is just an assistant marker, so that you can delete checked items via button: trashIcon.

flag_blue PlaceHolder Name: Input an name that stands for the folder.

flag_blue Path: The actually invoked folder path. Use "Repick" button to assign a new folder.

flag_blue Enable Edit: If not enabled edit, when MG-SelectionSet switch to this folder, the new and edit buttons in UI will be disabled.

flag_blue Save: Close the dialog and save the path preference, and refresh the MG-SelectionSet UI.

Now you can click on the top row to switch to these selectionSet sources.

flag_blue Close: Close the dialog without making any change.
